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Welcome to the Curley Family!

With a new school, new teachers, new classes, and new friends, freshman year is an exciting time in your high school career. The Counseling Department is here to assist you through these new experiences. We have an open-door policy meaning you can always drop by our office on the 2nd floor if you want to speak with your guidance counselor or make an appointment. In many ways, freshman year is a new beginning and we encourage you to approach your academics and involvement in co-curricular activities as a fresh start.

Academically, your freshman year grades are the first step towards applying to college– regardless of your middle school grades, colleges begin looking at your GPA starting in the 9th grade.

Socially, we have numerous ways for you to become involved at Curley, including academic clubs, school service clubs, and athletics. (Link to Co-Curricular Lists). Again, colleges look at whether or not you were involved in these types of activities– so start your involvement during your freshman year.

Basically, freshman year, like your entire high school career, is going to be what you make of it. The Guidance Department wants to help you make your first year as a Curley Friar the best it can be. Below you will find information on these and other topics related to your first year of high school. As always, if you have questions, please let us know.


Students and parents should be aware how important freshman year grades are in the college admissions process.  The grades you earn as a 9th grader will make up 1/3 of the Grade Point Average colleges will look at when you apply early in your Senior year.

Generally speaking, four year colleges are looking for at least a 3.0 GPA which means you should set a goal of earning at least an 83 average in all of your course-work. Below is a conversion table that shows GPA values for number grades.

92+ 4.0
91 3.9
90 3.8
89 3.7
88 3.6
87 3.5
86 3.4
85 3.3
84 3.2
83 3.0
82 2.9
81 2.7
80 2.5
79 2.4
78 2.3
77 2.2
76 2.1
75 2.0
74 1.8
73 1.6
72 1.4
71 1.2
70 1.0

In order to be successful in your 9th grade classes, you should:

  • Be prepared to work harder on your academics than you did during middle school.
  • Complete all homework assignments in a timely manner.
  • Study for tests and quizzes for an appropriate amount of time.
  • Ask your teachers questions when you do not understand material.
    Go for extra help before and after school for classes that are most difficult for you.
  • Use Study Halls wisely by completing homework assignments and reviewing material.


Freshmen can do the following in order to best prepare for college:

  • Work hard to develop strong study and time management skills.
  • Think about and discover your interests in and out of classroom.
  • Participate in co-curricular activities that involve your interests.
  • Begin to think about careers you may want to pursue- it is ok if they change, the important part is thinking about your future.
  • Discuss these careers with your friends, teachers, parents, and guidance counselor